It is garlic planting season and now that the torrential rain has stopped we are separating our garlic bulbs into cloves for planting while the sun is shining. Unfortunately while the bright weather is lifting our spirits our garlic is not! We have a larger percentage of bulbs than usual that are showing small areas of mold. Because of this we will plant only the perfect bulbs and save the others for our farm use and this will result in a smaller garlic crop next year. If you look at the picture above you will see a healthy plump garlic bulb on the left and the other two which are wrinkly and show signs of mold in the bulb. This mold is not poisonous but does affect storage and the soil in the garden when planted. So the bulbs on the right likely have some perfectly good cloves in them (for cooking) but will not store well and definitely should not be planted.
As we are sitting here doing this chore, we got talking about the fact that some of you may have purchased some garlic from us that has been unusable or disappointing. The greatest favour you can do us is to not suffer in silence but let us know if garlic you have purchased from Anneth Farm has been moldy or has shown signs of rot. This way we can strive to improve our crop over the next few years.
If you are one of those disappointed clients please let us know through e mail or in person ( and also remind us the next time you are at the market stand so we will give you a 20% discount off that day’s purchase.
Thanks everyone!