Our Next Market is this Saturday January 8th!

Happy New Year Everyone!

The holidays have come and gone and we enjoyed the time to slow down, give thanks and appreciate the cosy restful moments of late December. The farm was beautiful under a blanket of snow, though keeping the animals water un-frozen through the cold snap was definitely a full time job! Watching the snow melt, we are thinking ahead to spring and are busy planning the garden and ordering seeds. It’s a bit of a juggling act as we want to get the most out of the garden, and make sure there is lots of room in the field to plant out the winter crops in July. Winter veggies are some of our favourites on the farm; it means so much to us to be able to provide the community with local food through the winter.

Join us this Saturday January 8th from 10am - 2pm for our third winter market of the season. We will have fresh greens, leeks and Brussels sprouts, as well as storage veg like garlic, onions, dried chillies, squash and pumpkin. We also have dried beans and baked bean kits, pumpkin puree, preserves, eggs, frozen lamb and more. You will also find our classic wool dryer balls, and new to the market, wool bats ready for spinning or felting!

Baloo Bear Bakery and Raincoast Wood Turnings will be joining us in the barn, so be sure to pick up some baked goods and preserves for a Saturday afternoon treat, or a special hand turned creation to brighten the day.

We look forward to welcoming you to the farm!

Saturday January 8th, 10am - 2pm

9420 West Saanich Road

*Masks are mandatory, and please stay home if you are feeling unwell.

Warm wishes,

The Anneth Farm Family